Hydration myths and facts
Myth 1: “8 cups a day.” Fact: Hydration needs vary; listen to your body.
Water-rich foods count too.
Myth 2: “Thirst means dehydration.” Fact: Thirst is a signal, not an emergency.
Stay mindful of it.
Myth 3: “Clear urine is always good.” Fact: Pale yellow is optimal.
Dark color might signal dehydration.
Myth 4: “Coffee dehydrates.” Fact: Moderate coffee intake doesn’t significantly dehydrate.
Myth 5: “Sports drinks always better.” Fact: Water is best for most short activities.
Sports drinks for intense, long workouts.
Myth 6: “Hydration prevents hangovers.” Fact: Water helps, but excessive alcohol harms regardless.
Myth 7: “Only water hydrates.” Fact: Fruits, veggies, herbal teas contribute to.
Balance is key.
Remember, hydration needs vary with activity, climate, and individual differences.